Online Norse Shamanic & Seidr Classes
Live and Interactive Online Classes
Christa Lynn teaches a comprehensive, in-depth live and interactive online class in Norse shamanism and Seidr.
You’ll learn:
The Norse Creation Myth, Mythologies & Wisdom Teachings — Learn how the spiritual worlds came into being, how to map out the spiritual worlds, the cosmology of the World Tree (Yggdrasil) and the spiritual mythologies of the Norse culture to enrich your spiritual practices to add wisdom to your daily life.
The Power of Focussed Intention: The Home Altar — Create a sacred shamanic altar space for healing, manifestation and empowering sacred shamanic tools.
Connect To Compassionate Helping Spirits — Learn how to connect to your helping spirits including Norse Gods/Goddess of the Aesir And Vanir, Fylgja animal spirits, Landvættir nature spirits including Elves of the Light, and how to work with these compassionate spirits for healing, protection, prophesy, divination and magic.
Sacred Songs & Chants — Learn exclusive trance inducing songs called vardlokkur and galdr to shift your consciousness to journey into the spirit realms connect to helping spirits to conduct healing sessions, divination/prophesy and spirit communication.
Seidr — Learn Seidr spiritual practices to heal the sick, invoke magic for manifestation, prophesy and mysticism. Through the use of a sacred staff, song and trance, learn how to journey into the spirit realms to contact your helping spirits to be able to perform healing, prophesy and magic.
The High Seat — Take part in a community Seidr ceremony as you become a volva to sit on the high seat (seiðhjallr) to be a conduit for the community to receive healing energy as well as to answer divination questions on behalf of the group.
The Mystical Healing Staff — Learn how to create and empower a sacred wooden staff called a seiðstafr to work with it in Seidr spiritual rituals to help channel healing energy to someone who is sick, to cleanse negative energies that lead to illness and restore vital essence to return to state of wellness.
Vision Questing: Utiseta — Learn how to do a special Seidr “vision quest” called utiseta to sit at the crossroads of the spirit worlds to gain answers about your life path, to determine the right path for you including the way forward in your life when you feel stuck or confused, to gain wisdom on direction when faced with decisions and to strengthen creative forces in your life. You will also learn a second type of utiseta to be able to contact and commune with your ancestors in spirit to ask them for their guidance on situations that are happening in your daily life to help you make good choices to better lead you to successful outcomes and to show you. what to stay away from including people, jobs and situations that are not in your best interest.
Methods of Personal Protection — Learn power symbols, the crafting of talismans and how to make a sacred rune stone to protect your home, family and belongings. Learn methods of self protection for your daily life activities and also when traveling.
Practices of Runic Divination — How to deeply work with the runes in the Elder Futhark tradition to gain wisdom and answers about situations in your life. Learn how to do rune divination readings for yourself and others. You will also learn how to embody the symbols of the runes for protection, warding off negative vibes from other people, for healing illnesses and personal empowerment for yourself, work, relationships and projects to aid in success and achievement.
Personal Destiny — Understand the sacred workings of Wyrd and Orlog in how your destiny is shaped and flows. Learn how the Norns weave your personal destiny and how to invoke their help to rework your destiny to aid in good outcomes for various situations in your life.
The Tapestry of Life — Weave ancient Norse spiritual practices into your daily life to help raise your vibration to transcend the mundane and elevate you to live a sacred and enriched life.